Tuesday, April 30, 2019
The effects of divorce on children and families Research Paper
The effects of disassociate on children and families - Research Paper ExampleFurthermore, the court may decide who of the two is responsible for the custody of the children (Stewart 34).However, heedless of the nature and type of divorce, divorce has varying impacts on children and the family unit as a whole. Children, especi totallyy puppyish ones atomic number 18 left devastated by the ordeal, and this remains glued in their minds for years to come. For example, according to psychologists, young girls who are affected by divorce from an early age develop a fear for men as they grow up, and this impacts negatively on their opposite sex relationships. The same applies to young boys who are affected by divorce from an early age. In summary, effects of divorce on children are classified into psychological, emotional, social, financial and animal(prenominal) effects. Apart from children, other members of the family are also affected by divorce ordeals. These may be relatives of the divorcees or the divorcees themselves. As mentioned earlier, divorce has a lasting effect on people hence, family members are affected permanently by this ordeal especially if they were attached to the divorcees. Divorce run downs family relationships and bonds (Gladden 57). This paper analyses in detail the effect that divorce has on family members and especially children. I will first discuss the effect on children, and then I will discuss the effect on the family unit as a whole.Statistics in the US fall apart that every year, approximately one million children suffer their parents divorce. The same statistics reveal that half of children witness their parents divorce before they are 18 years old. According to research by Gladden (2009), half of all American children will witness their parents break up and half of these will also witness the break up of the second marriage of their parents. The same research suggests that, of the children who have witnessed the break up of the ir parents marriage, one in ten will also witness the second break up of their parents.
Monday, April 29, 2019
Chinese international expansion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Chinese international expansion - render Exampleh the solid backing from the parent organisation, ICT, Lenovo succeed huge success through humanitarian cards market that became the utmost chief source of returns in this phase (Ronghui, 2005 p. 19). From 1991, Lenovo Group Ltd. started to vend its experience PCs brand. Because of its suitable business approaches, it put up a renowned PC brand inwardly Chinese market within a very brief time. By 1994, Lenovo Group converted to a cosmos firm, listed at the Hong Kong Stock-Exchange. By 1997, it beat IBM, HP and Compaq turning into the leading computer vendor in china and has remained in the first place up to now with an incessantly expanding market-share of virtually 30 per cent of the nitty-gritty market-share. Its product groupings have been differentiated to encompass PC modules, servers, printers, digital cameras, ne twainrk machines and mobile phones (Ronghui, 2005 p. 25). Though Lenovo attained the excellent success within n ational market, its global business still remained in a premature stage. Afore the IBM PCDs acquisition was announced, its foreign ventures have been established only within a few abroad countries largely focusing upon East-South Asia (Ronghui, 2005 p. 22). Lenovo sales from foreign market accounted for roughly only 10 percent of Lenovos overall revenue. Before the IBM PCDs acquisition, Lenovo was, nonetheless, continuing with a premature phase of internationalisation procedure of employing stages approaches, for instance, Dunnings eclectic model or Uppsala model. For example, through employing Dunnings IDP methodology, Lenovos was in the phase two up to time of acquisition. Rendering to these stages concepts, Lenovo should have followed an incremental procedure for its transnational expansion procedure. Nonetheless, Lenovo assimilated IBM PCD and... Overseas investment funds holding firms play a crucial role within the outward-bound investment stratagems of Chinese secret and st ate-owned businesses via onward journey outward foreign direct investment. A good example is the IBM PCs acquisition by Lenovo. Seeking strategic assets is absolutely not the most crucial driver of outward foreign direct investment within these private corporations, majority of which can suffer more threatening financial constrictions than big state-owned firms. A crucial reason for international expansion in these companies is to expand personal matters with other prosperous TNCs, often operating as suppliers to engineering OEMs, and/or as providers of services. In the skid for Lenovo, it is evident that the companies in the early instance, they develop their own fundamental resources as well as capabilities. in that respect exists a genuine function for tax harbours as well as offshore financial hubs, as they allow economic endeavour to transpire that otherwise might never have occurred. The establishment of partners in tax sanctuaries is not essentially harmful. Undeniably, a n unplanned tax laws consequence supporting foreign investment within China is that it has generated inducements for firms to move overseas. Offshore holding firms in renowned tax harbours, in effect, may as well build a good basis for more international expansion.
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Describing a depth experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Describing a depth experience - Essay face. . 1For those of who still maintain religious belief in these troubled times, this formulation sounds very familiar. It is utmost too easy to lose ourselves in the material world and forget that there is something more bulge out theresomething that means more than what we can see around us. Accordingly, in this essay, I will label to describe my own experience with depth.When I was around sixteen years old, I was very troubled. I had many doubts about myself and about the world in general. I was confused and somewhat unhappy. I had ofttimes of friends and played many sports, but nevertheless I was sometimes left at a mischief as to how to explain the world to myself. Some days everything would just seem to be too much for me, and I would go to a quiet place to be alone and think about things. maven spring my family and I took a vacation to the island of Malta. Malta is a small island in the Mediterranean near Sicily. It is altogethe r about 300 square kilometres in size but there are many bulk living there. The island is very historic, with many old churches and a deep and abiding faith in Catholicism.When I first arrived in Malta, I didnt like it very much. It seemed too cramped and small. Although the weather was sprightly and warm, the food was not very good and many of the cars and buildings seemed old and decrepit. So I had gone to Malta with a closed-mind and it was hard for me to appreciate it. One day, when I was walking by myself on a beach, I halt to buy a soda from an old man who was selling drinks near the water. He must direct been in his eighties the skin on his face looked like battered leather. As I was give for the soda, the man asked me, Tell me, son, why do you look so lonely and lost. I was a numeral taken aback. I told him I was just walking along the beach for fresh air. He said, crap you come to Malta on a pilgrimage? Did you know this is a very holy place? some famous men have co me to his island to discover something about themselves.
Network Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Network - Essay ExampleSo, we use repeaters and hubs (as sh profess in Figure 1). Repeaters buffer the remark head and send the amplified version of the kindred signal to only the output port. Hubs are basically broadcasters (multiport repeaters). The signal is repeated to all ports other than the input port.Ethernet is a shared strong point, so, all nodes use the same medium for transmission of data. When two nodes send data at the same instant, the data collides and its validity and integrity is compromised. data has to be sent again. Although Ethernet uses CSMA/CD (Tanenbaum 2003) for collision yet there are still delays. So, mesh topologys are designed to avoid collisions while ensuring efficient utilization of bandwidth, providing good network throughput.In Figure 1, in courtship two nodes broadcast at the same time, collision occurs. Hubs/repeaters also limit the number of nodes that can be supported (see Table 1 (Technick n.d.)). So networks cannot expand beyond a limit . As at a time, the entire bandwidth can be utilized by only one node, so the overall throughput is limited.For avoiding collisions, the network traffic needs to be isolated. So the big networks are divided into smaller segments. These segments are committed together through bridges and switches. Bridges and switches (bridges with enhancements) are transparent intelligent devices that facilitate growth of LANs with the same underlying functionality. They can connect a node or a full Ethernet segment (with its own set of switches, hubs and repeaters) of even different LAN technologies on distributively of their ports (see Figure 2). They map the MAC addresses of nodes to each port.For each incoming frame the bridge/switch checks the destination MAC address. If the destination MAC lies on another port, only then it forwards, else it filters the frame thus keeping it within the segment it came from. The collision soil is separated. If there is a collision in one segment, the effect
Saturday, April 27, 2019
The History of Nursing and the Educational Preparation of Nurses Research Paper - 1
The History of care for and the Educational Preparation of guards - Research Paper ExampleThis statement prompted General George Washington to request from the Continental Congress for the supply of a matron to supervise the bedding and the supply of one nurse for every go patients. General Washington also requested that a matron is allotted to every hundred sick or wounded ( ground forces, 2011).Many women volunteered to serve as nurses during the Civil War. Women served as nurses in both the Union and confederate Armies. During the Civil war, Dorothea Lynde Dix was named Superintendent of Nurses for the Union forces. In the outbreak of the Spanish American War, Dr. Anita Newcombe McGee was named Supervisor in military mission of selecting the new female graduates to serve in the Armed Forces. These nurses were known as contract nurses. The the States Nurse Corps was formed on February 2, 1901, as a permanent unit in the US Army Medical Department. These nursing opportunities called for a high level of health care competency. In WWI, Bessie Smith was decreed to General John J. Pershing to oversee the nursing activities in the Army Medical Department. Bessie S. Smith formed the Army School of Nursing, which became an important relief resource during the Influenza pandemic of 1918 (Army, 2011).In 1916, a standard uniform was recommended for American nurses. This recommendation came from the American Nursing Association. These nursing uniforms became symbolic of American nurses. As the twentieth deoxycytidine monophosphate continued, many nurses came to be identified by the blue uniform. Many American women were only able to regulate gainful employment as nurses in the beginning of the twentieth century (DeChesnay & Anderson, 2007). Many nurses were trained in university settings.
Friday, April 26, 2019
Inner City Violence Article Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Inner City Violence expression Critique - Essay ExampleIt rules out the popularly held belief that girls, owing to their gender, do not set out involved in incidents of violence in the inner cities. Most of the ethnographic literature written to that extent on the concept of inner city violence has focussed mainly, if not only, on the experiences of distressed manpower and boys in inner city neighbourhoods. But the fact is that girls are not simply exempted of such interference owing to their gender. Jones article attempts to reveal the impact of the interplay of reputation, respect and retaliation on the poor, urban girls and women (Jones, 2008, p.63). It also aims at exploring the role of gender in shaping up the experiences of urban and ethnically marginalised girls with inner city violence. It gum olibanum helps in establishing the complicated though much-needed relationship between gender and violence in the urban US.The author establishes her view on the basis of her ana lysis of interviews with several adolescents who had been involved in inner city violence. both the respondents approached in this study belonged to the age group 12 to 24 years. They were all African-Americans who were enrolled in a city-hospital-based interposition for checking violence in the city. These individuals who had voluntarily enrolled for this violence intervention program had been involved in recent activities of racial violence and ran the risk of getting involved in similar incidents in their near future. The authors fieldwork for this study extended over a period of three years (2001-03) and in three unambiguous phases. The first phase of research was characterised by a discussion with the intervention counsellors who had the first-hand experience of interacting with the teenagers. It was complemented by a participant observation of the teenaged youth who were enrolled in the program and interviews with their peers, family and relatives. This was followed by the s econd phase in which 24
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Writing about cultural practices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Writing about cultural practices - Essay ExampleAmong friends or acquaintances, before rack upting, they sometimes shake workforce as gesture of saying good-bye. For people who have had some misunderstanding, a handshaking would mean that ein truththing is ok with them already and that the conflict has been resolved (Kissell , par 6).This social average of shaking hands has persisted because it is an international norm which is accepted by all races. The handshake has been a mutual sign of saving grace and peace (Haymond , par 1). It is a socially acceptable way of greeting other people in public rather than kissing or hugging.The handshake was believed to have originated as a way of showing that peerlesss right hand was not carrying any arm thus, if two men met and they two show their empty right hands, that means that there exists a level of trust between them (Kissell , par 3). Kissell goes on further to state that the shaking of the hands was supposed to remove any hidden weapon that may be kept in the sleeves.In todays modern world, the handshake is very difficult to invalidate. Some even consider it an insult if the handshake is not accepted (Kissell , par 2). For example, if a somebody is trying to make amends with another person and he offers his hand and the other person refuses to shake his hand, this would convey the message that one is not accepting the other persons apology.The norm of shaking hands should be abolished because the world today is exposed to numerous sources of infection and the handshake is one of the most common ways of spreading infection. The handshake makes every person susceptible to be infect (Potty , par 4). Viruses such as AH1N1, Swine flu or Avian flu can easily be transmitted through a hand shake. Although frequent hand washing is always advised, one cannot avoid touching door knobs, grocery carts, elevator buttons, escalator railings, train handrails or money. It has also been a common practice to cover ones mo uth with
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Compare and contrast the two companies on the various features shown Essay
Comp be and contrast the two companies on the various features shown in each demo deep down your paper - Essay ExampleInteractive analysis and the presence of a powerful dashboard makes users very(prenominal) comfortable to create excel and securely share them across the enterprise. It enables IT teams to manage data and metadata in a central and control permissions as well as scale up to wide deployments in the enterprise. tableau vivant is a generational business intelligence and visual analysis software that the work by putt data on the hands of the individualists who desires the information (Havenstein, 2006).IBM Cognos is a business intelligence dashboarding solution that helps the user in monitoring, measuring and managing performance of corporates. At a glance, performance that are timely, factual and views of the business are provided by the dashboards. Anomalies that can turn into business issues that are of significant importance can be set using IBM Cognos and the r oot causes can be dug deeper. IBM Cognos offer the following solutions to their users personalization view of the information that are, bringing of high degree visualization that have graphs, gauges and charts. IBM dashboard can be delivered easily in five-fold formats that can suit specific needs of users who do business. Finally, they are easily managed from IT perspective. IBM Cognos has scorecard software that helps the individual to align teams and tactics with strategies, communicating goals consistently and monitoring performance against targets. Individuals can use IBM Cognos Scorecarding in guidance of the full scope of processes in business (Havenstein, 2007).Business intelligence is a term that means to abate despite the approach used. The term end sounds decision making in the organization. Therefore, there is a need to understanding organization decision-making process. There is a need to differentiating information, data and knowledge in an organization. Informatio n is distinguish from data by the use of context. When related to other data, data itself
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Network Intrusion Detection Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Network Intrusion Detection Systems - Essay ExampleThese attack systems have been designed using various proficiencys. The invasion system designed with the help of classification technique is the popular ones as it provides much security to the systems in which it is installed. The classification technique is used to classify the flake of attack the system faces. (Base 2000).The intrusion system has the responsibility of protecting the system and preventing the attacks.According to Mun the intrusion spying system works well only if the system is selected base on the type of network. The intrusion perception system must be selected to suit the network. There are various types of networks and the system must father sure that it satisfies the networks requirements. The classification technique is used in the intrusion systems to classify and divide the attacks and threats. (Mun 2009).This technique is favored by most of the network administrators due to its compatibility and e fficiency. The intrusion systems work well only when the networks requirements aresatisfied. The intrusion detection systems are generally classified into network establish intrusion detection systems and host based intrusion detection systems. Network based intrusion system makes use of classification technique since it offers more protection when compared to the other techniques. The systems which are built using classification technique protect each grade of the network. The Ethernet of IP and the other layers are protected and they can be free from intruders. (Northcutt, Noval 2003).Since the classification technique based intrusion detection systems
Monday, April 22, 2019
The European sovereign debt crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The European sovereign debt crisis - Essay ExampleIt was found that from 2009 onwards, some countries in the EMU wish well Spain, Portugal and different countries in the similar zone, were not able to refinance the debts incurred by the government. This crisis in some of the countries in the EMU had a spill-over effect and had generated an economic scarcity in most of the coeval economies in the world. The essay in this context desires to throw light on how the crises in some of the economies in the EMU were responsible for the massive and deadly monetary crisis in the financial markets of the whole European sum (Ross, 1979). Crisis in a Small Economies Triggered a Large Impact The economies in the contemporary world live become exceedingly integrated in nature after the emergence of globalization and liberalization. The debt crisis that was initially face up by the public authorities in a few small economies in the Euro zone same Spain, Greece etc were responsible for the o ccurrence of the Sovereign Debt Crisis for the whole European Continent. The Property Bubble that occurred in Spain long hazard in 2007 was largely responsible for the occurrence for the recession in the European scrimping at the last mentioned stage. It was found that after a long term sustainable growth, the Spanish economy had become highly unproductive in nature. The entrepreneurs started to invest more in the real estate sector. However, it was found that the prices of the properties constantly change magnitude in the economy because real estate barter was used for speculative purposes in the Spanish economy. Ultimately, this caused a fall in the disposable income of the individuals who had to purchase houses at very high prices. The number of the failed projects in the economy started to increase. All the other economic indicators like the government debt, exchange rates, velocity of money circulation, derivative trading etc became worse in the economy at this point of ti me. As the countries used to follow the regime of dictated policies, the recession in one particular economy had largely triggered the same in other economies in the Euro zone. Greece was one of the poorest nations that had remained in the Euro Area. The government of the country took large amount of loans from the ECB for mitigating the requirements if the expansionary fiscal policies. However it was a takings of concern that the government of the country could not pay back the loans to the ECB. This was the reason for the huge fiscal famine in the country. Fiscal deficit in the nation contagiously affected the supply of money in the economy. Thus during 2005 and 2009, some countries which were indeed small economies like Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal etc. had to face severe financial crisis for reasons like property bubble, high fiscal debt or lack of productivity. Since all the nations in the Euro zone were integrated unneurotic in terms of the monetary policies taken for th em, the crisis in some of the economies soon triggered the same in other economies in the European Continent and generated the severe Sovereign Debt Crisis in the country (Klann, 2007). Impact in the financial commercialise The financial market in the Euro zone was distressed after the occurrence of the Sovereign Debt Crisis. The cruelness of the recession caused in the economy has not been completely recovered from even at this juncture of time. Derivatives Market During the Sovereign Debt Crisis, the European economy faced severe financial crisis. The number of failed out financial projects were excessive. The general productivity of the economy had fallen to a
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Health Psychology Committee Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Health psychological science Committee Report - Essay Examplelth Psychology Committee has been mandated with the task of developing a psychiatry division to further enhance our response to psychological wellness issues within the community. The following is results of our wellness psychology action plan.Seeking to hire and train phoebe bird additional hospital-associated psychologists with the task of dealing with the wider community in a variety of health-related roles, the following recommendations will be made understanding that health and society are interrelated variables which work together to promote a healthy community. Accordingly, the committee understands and takes into account the important role that society has on the health status of members of its community. Accordingly, on a fairly broad level, our society affects the health of individuals by promoting certain values of our culture. (AUTHOR, 14) Individualist health promotion programs aim to address the health conc erns of individuals while structuralism health promotion programs are centre upon addressing health trends such as the outbreak of HIV among high school students, or addressing the mental health issues across a cross-section of society. The social model of health explores both individuals and the social population in determining our conception of health. According to this theoretical paradigm, improved health can be improved by looking at the key environmental and social aspects of what constitutes positive health. This is a theoretical model which has lately gained credence due to its emphasis on social determinants of health. With this in mind, the report aims to specify duties for the five hospital-associated psychologists retentivity in mind the interconnectedness of health status and society. Thus, a sociological perspective on health will frame this report. Accordingly, the following positions will need to be filled by the committee totality abuse counselor inpatient-only p sychologist child psychologist adult psychologist. Each of these
Buisness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Buisness - Essay ExampleFurthermore, such a management style of Dr. Kair was constantly wind to losses of sales due to the artificially prolonged sales process and sales peoples having no power over their work. 2 Identify and fully describe the management style (Chapter 7) that your would choose to use as the CEO of the company. Choose the one that fits you best. The most popular management style of nowadays is, probably, participative, or democratic, management. Since the employees of We Care Ambulatory Devices have low internal morale, trust, sharing of responsibilities and empowerment would, I believe, emend the overall situation. Employees should have a right to use own initiatives and express their ideas, which, in their turn, may tot up to the success of the organization. Delegation of tasks to the subordinates, as well as giving them freedom to take certain decisions respectively will raise the morale of the staff and increase sales though speeding up the process. 3 Using your management style, how would you change the company? What would you do to increase internal morale, customer satisfaction and advantageousness? This is very hard to do and there is no one way of moving the company forward.
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Family structural theory Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Family structural theory - subsidization ExampleAnother way to determine if the family is dysfunctional if the family is based on organization and subsystems, this includes interactions between individuals, with designate roles and expectations (Minuchin1974)From Minuchin perspective, a family is either functional or dysfunctional depending upon its capacity to adapt to numerous stressors which, in turn, rests upon the constraint and appropriateness of its subsystem boundaries.The way to determine if the family dysfunctional is if the family- members from brother to sister do not have get by to one and only(a) another which should latter grow into respect to one another all the family members feeling shamed, slammed, little or dismissed when they state what they have in their minds, opinions, wants dreams and desire It can be determined by how the family members are account commensurate to one another if one has made a mistake the and the guilty one doesnt apologies to the othe r, failure of allowing reasonable expression of emotions, discouraging siblings to work together (Minuchin1974).From the study we are able to know what is meant by the term dysfunctional family, and how a structural theory can be apply to determine a dysfunctional family with the contribution from Minuchin and Gardano. There are various dysfunctional families and this study has stipulation some aspects on how to identify such kind of a family.Silva, E., Tsatskis, Y., Gardano, L., Tapon, N., & McNeill, H. (2006). The Tumor-Suppressor Gene fat Controls Tissue issue Upstream of Expanded in the Hippo Signaling Pathway. Current biology, 16(21),
Friday, April 19, 2019
14th Amendment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
fourteenth Amendment - Research Paper ExampleThe 13th Amendment raises some fine questions for the lawmakers, and the 14th Amendment was drafted in order to answer these questions of law. The first question to be dealt was the citizenship of the freed slave associated to this was whether they have the right wing to own property like the white. Second critical problem that needed an answer was the treatment of freed slaves by law courts of law. Other problems included treatment of rebels the loans that were borrowed by the rebellions during the civil war, and the right of rebels to be elected for Congress. The 14th Amendment comprises of 5 sections, they deal with the citizenship, equal protection of law, due process, debt, and power of the Congress to enforce. A brief definition of the clauses presented in the 14th Amendment along with original is provided as follows. Citizenship by place of birth was not a new law. It has bases in the centuries old English Common Law, and it follo wed the simple doctrine of jus soli. Until the infamous example of Dred Scott when the imperious Court abrogated the doctrine, jus soli was a part of American Jurisprudence(Stein & Bauer, 1995). The question of jurisdiction has long been debated especially in the cases of under-the-counter immigrants. The critics have vocalized their concern on the legitimacy of citizenship of the child born to illegal immigrants in America. Another case is of the aliens residing within America, who stay for longer period, and give birth to children in America.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Baroque of Versailles and Italian baroque Essay
Baroque of Versailles and Italian baroque - Essay ExampleFor the Italians, this involved a number of rattling unique style buildings. 1 of the first to use this style was Carlo Manderno, whose famous fleshs include the Santa Susanna (1) and the Santa Maria della Vittoria. One of the finest examples of his work is in the design of the Santa Susanna. The building is just two stories tall. The lower p stratagem has a total of five tiers and the upper train has only three. The construction of all the elements are so designed so that everything points to the middle of the structure, pointing to a loggia - a simple gallery open to the air. Funny enough, he used the old Renaissance style inner(a) the building. You can tell the difference when you cross the street into the Santa Maria della Vittoria (2), where construction was also completed by Carlo Manderno. The interior of the building reveals the expanse of the building, with three chapels separated only by arches and pillars. The s tyle is clearly simple, very strait forward, and also a very enormous way of getting a point across. For example, wrong is a statue depicting something from the Saint Teresa of Avila (3). The scene portrayed is of a dream she had about an angel peircing her midriff with a long shaft, and filling herself with both joy and pain. She is said to be in a twine posture and the flowing robes, very voluptous looks between -- it was the essense of the Barouque style for the Italians. The statue is larger than life, and purposefully done so. It isnt a intricate piece, just very big, very to the point. Hence the Roman Catholic Churchs vision is realizes in such art and architecture -- art that should be very easy for the public to understand the meaning, and so big that it leave behind be unforgettable and symbolizing religious themes. ( Wittkower, R. 1999) cut Baroque, often called Classicism, was similar in style to the Italians as to the simplicity and more importantly, the idea that s ize does matter, and that grandness was to mean you had great power. (Wikipedia Website. 2007) Not all the styles transferred from Italy to France, as the openness and very frank displays of the art was not always in French taste. While the French had no problem getting on with the grandness of their architecture, they had a problem with the bluntness, and preferred slightly dim style. There were also differences in the architectural structure, given that the French preferred mansard roofs and complex rooflines.During the rein of Louis XIV, new construction was happening to the Louvre. He invited a designer to look into completing the project, but spurned his two design ideas. Because of his focus on Versailles at the time, the Louvre construction was
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
MANAGING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
MANAGING - Essay ExampleThe human resource forethought as a research field describes and deals with the organizational human capital. Wherever, humans atomic number 18 involved, there give be power politics present as well. In this way, the philosophy of postmodernism defines organizations as a apparatus that is a social entity, and it remains subjected to political forces as well (Jordan & Troth, 2004).The sub-concept of power roles emerged because organizations are power theatres, and therefore, somebody has to house the power. The operational power of getting things done resides with the middle managers, and the top ones have to operate through them in order to keep moving the organization forwards in strategic terms. The humans have a propensity to watch their self-interest as well. The managers create problems by choosing strategies that cause them to face least step of pain and struggle. They do not necessarily safeguard and look after the interests of the shareholders tha t is the prime purpose of their initiation (Solansky, 2008).The literature of management calls the abovementioned phenomenon as the agency problem. The agency problem manifests itself when agents do not serve the objectives of their principles. The managers are agents of the shareholders of a specific company, but the former group has to assist the latter one in the treat of attaining the goals. The corporate world operates in order to provide dividends to the investors, and the organisations also provide capital gains to the shareholders by increase the market demand of their shares. The agency problems originates when managers have a belief that they can get away with committing cunning with the investors. The employees develop the tendency to skip and avoid their responsibilities because they might be experiencing psychological contract breach. They attempt to residue out their professional efforts with their current
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Pizza Corner Essay Example for Free
Pizza command Essay2. Summary a. Overall Score i. With this Competitive Profile Matrix, a couple of conclusions basin be made. Firstly, when comparing Pizza chanty to its competitors, it can be seen that Pizza Hut had a higher(prenominal) scotch than dad Johns but scored lower than Dominos. This shows that overall Pizza Hut is doing better than popping Johns in terms of identifying strengths and working with weaknesses. When looking at Dominos, however, it shows that Dominos is a jam better at turning these success factors into strengths rather than weaknesses. b. Weights ii. When focusing on weights alone, however, some opposite conclusions can be drawn and also differ in outcomes when looking at the overall score. The most all- primary(prenominal)(a) things we identified in the pizza industry are product quality, price competitiveness, and advertising. As a gathering we weighted product quality and price equally with advertising being the second most fundamental thin g.For comparison, it can be seen that Dominos takes the cake when dealing with product quality, price competitiveness, and advertising oddly in the recent years as they have re-launched and revamped their entire recipe and product quality, advertising, marketing, and offering enceinte pricing that are mostly the best deals around. They have owned up to the past disappointments and issues and have exclusively redone itself entirely for the consumers.By using quality ingredients and constructing their marketing to where the consumers drive their commercials and advertising they have definitely surpassed the early(a) surviving pizza chains. Pizza Hut and Papa Johns comes in a intimately second to product quality as they are fresh and quality products. Pizza Hut ranks higher than Papa Johns for price competitiveness because as a group we see much Dominos and Pizza Hut deals versus seeing any type of Papa Johns coupons. Also, Papa Johns is priced fairly higher than either Pizza Hu t or Dominos.Advertising, however, proves a nonaged weakness for Pizza Hut as very rarely do you see Pizza Hut commercials in comparison to Dominos and Pap Johns. c. Strengths iii. Pizza Hut is the leader in global amplification and correctly identifies its target market. The company will want to keep this apart of their strengths to keep up and continuously be a step ahead in these aspects. This will then ensure accessibility which is an important factor for generating revenues and thus creating a loyal customer base.d. Concerns iv. Some areas that Pizza Hut was rated lower than the other two competitors besides the ones addressed above is the organic foods factor. Many people want organic pizzas and the only chain coming close is Papa Johns which uses quality ingredients, some of which either local anaesthetic or organic. Although it does not seem like a huge deal in the present, eventually much and more consumers will be looking for this and have nowhere to turn but the comp any who locomote close to the mark.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Rizal and Dumas Essay Example for Free
Rizal and Dumas set aboutSince early childhood, Jose Rizal already loved masss. His mother, Doa Teodora Alonzo taught him how to read a real in Spanish language and developed his legal opinion and artistic talents by telling him wonderful and colourful stories and poems. Furthermore, his Tio Gregorio, a book lover, intensified his reading of good books. The favourite pastime of Rizal during his stay in Madrid was reading. Instead of turn and flirting with women as many young Filipinos did in the Spanish metropolis, he stayed home and read voraciously until midnight. I rotter relate Rizals love on books to my passion. Since my high school days, I was force to insightful books and magazines.Unfortunately, this passion of mine was non developed early enough because our schools program library back then is poorly-equipped. There are only few books and most of them are outdated only I managed to gain insights from them. By the time I went to the University of San Jose-Recol etos (USJ-R) in Cebu City to pursue my college studies, I was in the true very much excited when I found out that the institution has a very fascinating library. The coat of our library in high school is only wholeness percent of the library of this University. I was kayoed by the myriad of new and insightful books displayed in the book shelves. Furthermore, the facility has a huge quadruplet so that it can accommodate lots of students.It is during my stay in this University did enhance my reading skills and develop my face-to-face character by dint of reading good and informative books. Through reading lots of books and magazines as comfortably as surfing in the internet, I was able to widen my knowledge and nurtured my soul. I gained lots of tuition and wisdom from these reading materials. Moreover, my vocabulary and grammar had as well improved by means of knowing the meaning of new rowing I read from the books. Indeed, reading will truly bring you liberty cededom i n your mind and soul. One of the most favourite novels of Rizal was the Count of Monte Cristo which was authored by Alexander Dumas. This novelwhich portrays the report card of Edmond Dantes instilled his amatory cravings. Accordingly, the life of Edmond Dantes was a story of hope, vengeance, forgiveness, and mercy. This novel was an excellent example of pure wisdom and love. The theme of its story struck Rizals genius mind and unique character. The novel became a favourite reading material of the hero during his teenage years.On the other hand, I can say that this story of Edmond Dantes was truly one of a kind during the times of Alexander Dumas. The story would show us the evil side of military man person selfishness and pride. In fact, the events in the story still exist during these times. One good example is the decadence and in fairishices happening in our country. To name a few the case of Ampatuan Massacre which until now is still non resolved and the families of the p oor victims still not able to taste justice of the crime and the unending subversive activity in the Philippines. Furthermore, we can also relate the theme of the story to each of us. The novel was an epic menace of a human beings nature and emotions. I can say that it is natural for us to feel angry to those who had unlawfuled us. When we hold grudge to someone, we are compelled to take revenge in redact to action our feelings of anger. In fact, this kind of emotional adventure has already happened to me once then and I learned so much out from that experience. Surely, it had also happened to someone else on this planet and many lives are torn asunder just because of the selfishness and pride of some people.However, when we surrender everything we feel to God and feeling all those emotions of anger without hard to change anything that has happened to us we will soon be enlightened and forgiveness will step our way. When everything is already enough and we feel that many peop le have been affected just because of that feeling of anger and revenge, we stick out to forgive those who had persecuteed us. Accordingly, this is one of the best feelings we experience as humans because in forgiveness you see stay and love. When you forgive a person, it means that you are letting go of that grudge and finds your way to peace and happiness. Indeed, the professional Jesus taught us to forgive those who had wronged us. Even He Himself died in the cross in order for us to be redeemed from our sins and to experience new life. Thats how huge Gods love for us. Thus, it is beauteous when we have to undergo feelings of anger towards a person.It is good to feel it rather than rejecting it because when we start running from the fairness that we are angry at the person and all we just feel is revenge we start to wound ourselves and others. Our health will be destroyed so much that our relationships will be in much chaos. Perhaps, this novel nurtured the spirit of Rizal to fight Spanish tyranny. He was consciously aware of the atrocities and maltreatment that some Spanish officials and friars did to his fellowmen. Corruption and injustice were everywhere but most of the Filipinos were not aware of it. The powerful Spanish Friars just used the Catholic Religion in order to cover their corrupt actions. But Rizal knew that there was something wrong and he must act to fight it. Furthermore, another two books that deeply affected Rizal were Beecher Stowes Uncle toms Cabin and Eugene Sues The Wandering Jew. These two books aroused his sympathy for the oppressed and unfortunate Filipino people.He further developed and forgived his mind by reading various books and studying the different lives and cultures of the European countries. He was desperate to free his suffering countrymen from slavery and torture. As much as Rizal did free his mind to venture into the unknowns and to find out that everything that the tyrants did were wrong through fervent stud ying, he also liberated the minds of his countrymen through writing his first novel Noli Me Tangere. Indeed, Noli was a very excellent novel that showed the equity that the tyrants are torturing the Filipino people. Because of this novel, the Spanish friars were enraged and they tried to protect themselves by attacking the novel. However, truth will always prevail and the good will always win. I can say that Rizal was designated by God to be the saviour of the Filipino people against Spanish tyranny and we can see this through his unique genius and patriotism.He loved his countrymen and he found wisdom in every wrong thing happening in his country. He tried to find a way in order to correct this wrongdoing and he prepared himself to free his countrymen. Indeed, Rizal was a true liberator. And one of the factors that encouraged him to liberate his mind and his people was reading good books. Thus, I can say that reading can free your mind from nix stinking beliefs that blinded you f rom seeing the right and positive way of living. In fact, I could say that some of our beliefs that we developed and inherited based from our past experiences and influences are all lies.They need to be removed in order for us to see the truth, the right direction and the most eternal way. And we can do this through reading and acquiring wisdom and knowledge. Our lives are driven by our own beliefs and those beliefs brought us to where we are right now whether those beliefs are right or wrong. As much as Rizal freed his countrymen from Spanish tyranny through using his exemplary character and outstanding genius, we can also free our minds against the negative thoughts that are barring our minds to see the right way towards living the most out of life through continued developing of our character and perseverance and passion to learn new things even to the things that we do not know. Thats a true heroism
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